Project kick-off in Tehran

On November 21st, 2018 the German Ambassador to Iran Michael Klor-Berchthold and the Vice-President for Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Sorena Sattary opened the kick-off meeting for the official launch of the project. In the presence of the Federal German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety the participating project partners – DIW Econ, kmw outrage management, Fichtner and TEST – presented the project approach and activities to the public. Afterwards Iranian government officials discussed the recent developments in the field of energy efficiency in Iran.

Please find the kick-off meeting agenda here.

Please find the presentation of Dr. Petra Opitz (DIW Econ) here.

Please find the presentation of Dr. Achim Stuible (FICHTNER) here.

Please find the presentation of TEST expert team here.

Press release Tehran Times, 25/11/2019